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International Journal of Urban Design for Ubiquitous Computing

Volume 5, No. 1, 2017, pp 17-20


Trustful Mechanism for Sharing the Cost of Multicast Transmissions

    Kyongjin Kim
    Sungshin W. Universtiy, Korea


    The issue of sharing the cost of multicast transmissions was considered before, and two systems, Marginal Cost (MC) and Shapley Value (SH), were proposed to unravel it. Albeit them two are strategyproof systems, the disseminated conventions actualizing them are helpless to control via independent hubs. We propose a conveyed Shapley Value instrument in which the taking part hubs don't have motivating forces to go amiss from the component details. We demonstrate that the proposed component is a dedicated execution of the Shapley Value instrument. We tentatively explore the execution of the current and the proposed costsharing systems by actualizing and conveying them on PlanetLab. We think about the execution time of MC and SH systems for the Tamper-Proof and Autonomous Node models. We additionally concentrate the merging and versatility of the instruments by fluctuating the quantity of hubs and the quantity of clients per hub. We demonstrate that the MC systems produce a littler income contrasted with the SH components, and in this way, they are not appealing to the substance supplier. We likewise demonstrate that expanding the quantity of clients per hub is advantageous for the frameworks actualizing the SH components from both computational and financial points of view.


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